Research projects are newly defined each year, reflecting the needs of Center members, and organized by University Site. Each project is selected by formal vote of members at the annual workshop. Summaries and formal presentations on the 10 projects underway for CY25 in SHREC are provided below.
- University of Pittsburgh
- P1-25: Reconfigurable Systems (high-performance FPGA architectures, machine-learning acceleration, on-orbit FPGA accelerators, distributed-memory parallel computing)
- P2-25: Intelligent Systems (machine-learning model analysis, onboard Earth observation, intelligent remote sensing)
- P3-25: Emerging Systems (neuromorphic sensors and apps, neuromorphic system reliability, processing-in-memory architecture)
- P4-25: Space Systems (onboard flight hardware, space GPUs, space CPUs, spacecraft and mission emulation)
- P5-25: Networked and Secure Systems (trust assessment, constellation routing)
- Brigham Young University
- B1-25: Fault-Tolerant Techniques for Heterogenous Computing Architectures (Versal ACAP reliability, complex SoC testing tools, reliable deep learning, radiation testing of heterogenous devices)
- University of Florida
- F1-25: Device & Architecture Studies for Compute Cache Systems (acceleration and scaling studies for memory compute devices and accelerators)
- F2-25: Development of Large AI Applications and Systems (adaptive and responsive SDN-managed 5G interoperable networks, reinforcement learning techniques for satellite topology reconfiguration, enhancement of integrAItor-2024 capabilities, new integrAItor-2025 capabilities)
- Virginia Tech
- V1-25: High-Productivity Computing in Heterogeneous Systems (high-productivity computing on GPUs: irregular apps, high-productivity computing on FPGAs, high-productivity heterogeneous computing: CPU+GPU+FPGA)
- V2-25: Immersive Space for High-Performance Analytics (immersive data science, immersive semantic interaction, interactive LLM for high-performance sense making, parallel computational analytics)